Friday, April 11, 2014

A Love Story Observed, Imagined, Pondered...

I saw two people picking up trash outside today and I imagined a love story.  They were most likely assigned to the task at random and judging by their florescent vests and their stick contraptions they were probably there for community service, volunteer work, parole service, or something like that.

I imagined them meeting each other and it being love at first sight.  The girl with her hair blowing in the wind and the boy with his wit and humor making her laugh during the otherwise mundane routine.  I could see them staring at the silver lining around the clouds and expressing, "Wow, what a beautiful day.  Isn't this like the perfect day to be doing this?  I mean, it's the best day to be doing something like this."  It's a sunny 78 degrees outside with a nice breeze to keep the climate from being too warm.

I began to think about how this is what love does.  Love changes our perspective.  It's kind of like in that movie, You've Got Mail (my wife's favorite movie) where Meg Ryan's character begins to swoon over all the mundane details of her day being remarkable which perks the curiosity of her co-workers.  She's in love and doesn't even know it yet.  She's optimistic and doesn't realize it.  She's seeing the silver lining but doesn't see it as that - it's just what she sees.

I think love is more powerful than optimism.  Optimism to me is an idea of choosing to see the positive rather than the negative (the glass half-full vs. the glass half-empty).  Love sees through the trash and celebrates the gold!  Love is not even concerned about trying to see the positive; positive is all love sees.  Is love blind?

People and songs have said that "love is blindness."  There are those that call it maddening, reckless, dangerous, or powerful.  It's not that it denies the facts or rejects reality.  It just supersedes it somehow as if nothing else matters besides those it has bound together.  It can't be quantified, articulated, or explained enough.  Love is a wonder.  It's most likely why and how we have so many songs, poems, and literature about it.

Going back to the sight on the highway it reminded me of my wife and I.  We figuratively and literally have been in those moments of picking up trash and have experienced the reality of us being together superseding the mundane and also the vulgar making this life the better and the more enjoyable.  The love we share doesn't deny the good and the bad things that have happened in our lives it just helps us hold those realities together when they happen.  Love isn't madness then nor is it blind.  Love just conquers all.

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